[뇌졸중 관련 논문 발표] 급성허혈뇌졸중에서 경동맥 내막-중막 두께에 대한 고감도 C-반응단백질, 섬유소원 및 호모시스테인의 관계
[수면 관련 논문 발표]American Journal of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Medicine and Surgery
[치매 관련 논문 발표]Quantitative Brain Amyloid Measures Predict Time-to-Progression from Amnestic Mild Cognitive Impairment to Alzheimer’s Disease
[뇌전증 관련 논문 발표]Carbon monoxide poisoning presenting as non-convulsive status epilepticus treated with hyperbaric oxygen therapy
[치매 관련 논문 발표]Current Problems in Cancer
[뇌전증 관련 논문 발표]Clinical Usefulness of Intraoperative Motor-Evoked Potential Monitoring during Temporal Lobe Epilepsy Surgery
[파킨슨 관련 논문 발표] Normal pressure hydrocephalus after gamma knife radiosurgery in a patient with vestibular schwannoma
[말초신경질환 관련 논문 발표]A Variant Guillain-Barré Syndrome with Anti-Ganglioside Complex Antibody